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Partners in Excellence

To provide targeted senior and high potential coaches and technical leaders with highly qualified mentor-partners to tackle identified challenges and act as a sounding board in their Pursuit of excellence, and to provide the opportunity for long time highly successful leaders of the Canadian sport system to continue to provide value past their active career. Investing in the best of talent provides special growth opportunities and further development to take leaders from good to great. 

Partners in Excellence: Master Leader Program  

Master is a person very skilled in a particular job or activity. The Master Leader in the sport community is defined as a long-standing contributor to Canadian sports with a proven track record of leading excellence in high performance sport. 

For Canada to have a world-leading sport system, the knowledge and experience acquired by its top performers needs to stay in the system to guarantee continued improvement and growth. This initiative will capitalize on the tremendous knowledge and experience that Master Leaders have acquired over their career in high-performance sports and ensure a proper knowledge transfer happens to the next generation of leaders to the benefit of the Canadian Sport System, thus continually strengthening the system. 

This program is targeted at senior coaches and technical leaders who have been in the Canadian Sport System for an extended period, have shown an outstanding contribution to Sport in Canada and have stepped down from their active duties with their respective NSOs. Master leaders will be nominated based on published selection criteria and will go through onboarding before being deployed in the Partners of Excellence Program. Their contribution will include the Mentorship Program, being part of the Leadership Network and specifically identified challenges. 

Partners in Excellence: Mentorship Program 

Mentorship is best defined as a trusting relationship in which a person with useful and hard-won experience, skill and wisdom offers advice, insights, acts as a sounding board, provides guidance and is part of a core support network to empower another individual to develop the leadership and sport technical skills required to thrive and promote wellbeing in their performance environment. 

In a progressive culture of excellence, mentorship plays an important role in developing and supporting coaches and technical leaders to uplift their effectiveness across technical and leadership competencies.  To underpin growth and work through challenges met throughout their development path, delivering a highly effective, a world leading mentorship program supports high performance development across the Canadian Sport System. 

A group of mentors with a proven track record in high performance excellence and a broad experiential base will be identified and facilitated through an onboarding training process prior to being connected with their Mentee.  Based on an initial Mentee needs analysis (in collaboration with the NSO), a flexible development plan will be developed acknowledging that a bespoke approach to people development as fundamental to outcome. 

For Canada to be a world leader in high performance sport at the Olympic and Paralympic Games








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Learn more about the current direction of Own the Podium, as we support Canadian athletes on their journey to the top of the Olympic and Paralympic podium.