Self-Awareness is the conscious knowledge of one's own character and feelings. A thorough leadership assessment program helps shape appropriate growth experiences and individual insights. Opportunities will be provided for both individual self and 360 assessments. Added value will include a second round of assessment for experienced coaches and technical leaders to measure progress and identify additional growth opportunities. A focus will be on the impact of debriefs.
This initiative will provide participants the information to increase their self-awareness, so important in leadership development, through data driven assessment tools. It is recommended that all participants start with a personality assessment tool and an EQ assessment, prior to completing the 360-leadership circle assessment. This essential Pursuit initiative is seen as a prerequisite to all other programs.
Based on the need for strong self-awareness for coaches and technical leaders, Pursuit offers a variety of self-assessment tools prior to entering the 360-leadership circle assessment evaluation. This process can be used to determine future growth and development opportunities.
The purpose is to raise the level of self-awareness for all coaches and technical leaders based on objective information and further use that information to determine individual growth and development opportunities.
The purpose of any assessment is to create a development plan for growth. Coaches and technical leaders will be supported in this process to ensure effective development occurs and is measurable.
Debrief: Plan, Do, Review
All assessment will be shaped through a careful and impactful debrief with a consultant or expert in the field. Following the guidelines of “Plan. Do. Review.”, tools and structure support the coaches’ and leaders’ implementation of a personal development plan. In addition, Pursuit aims to provide resources and support for integration of a consistent and habitual reflection and debrief culture, that occurs after every event, competition, and on an annual and quadrennial basis.
Reassessment (R2)
Coaches and technical leaders find great value in the 360 experience and its impact on their personal growth. Re-assessment (R2) will determine if growth activities have filled coaching and leadership performance gaps. This data driven process will also provide valuable information and learnings for the Canadian sport system and present a system-wide picture of the status of coaches and technical leaders.