Sport Science & Innovation
Integrated Support Teams (ISTs) are the sport sciences, sports medicine and other team management professionals that support coaches and athletes/teams. ISTs may include a physiologist, sport psychologist, biomechanist, nutritionist, physical therapists/athletic therapist, and a physician. Additionally, a performance analyst may be part of an IST to support the use of various new innovations in video and technology for the purpose of performance enhancement. Other professionals (including sport administrators) may be included depending on the nature of the sport and the specific needs of the coaches and athletes. The IST works regularly with the coaches and athletes to ensure athletes receive world-class care and support for their training, recovery and competition programs. The goal of an IST is to ensure that Canadian athletes are healthy, fit and psychologically ready for optimal performance.
The delivery of sport sciences and sport medicine services as designed by the IST is always athlete-centered, and coach driven, thus requiring continuous communication and integration between the coach and the team of experts that support the athlete and/or team.
Own the Podium provides financial support for ISTs through NSOs and the network of Canadian Sport Centres. The Canadian Sport Centres collaborate with NSOs to provide integrated support team programs for training groups through a network of in-house and contracted experts.
Additionally, Own the Podium pursues excellence with a sport innovation and applied sport research program. The overall goal of this approach is to increase the frequency of Canadian podium appearances at World Championships, Olympic Games and Paralympic Games through strategically designed performance enhancement projects.